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Come take a peek into the contents of Hope! Find lyrics, the stories behind the song and much more!

Hope for the World
I'm Lookin' For a Miracle

Is There Any Way?
He Shall Hide Me
He Knows How Much We Can Bear


Praise the Lord
Through the Blood
In the Twinklin' of an Eye
Jesus is at the Wheel
Trust Medley
God's Truth Marches On



With the ink barely dry on our first recording, Come, Let's Sing, the Lord spoke to me about our second project. He let me know that it should be compiled of songs about hope. Very shortly thereafter, great personal trauma occurred in some of our lives. The Lord had seen what was ahead and had already given His divine promise. Now, in light of the uncertainty that faces our world due to terrorism, the message of hope rings out even more clearly. Be encouraged as you listen to songs that were prayerfully and carefully selected for our new project, Hope

Karla Gordon - Executive Producer







2310 S. Troy St - Aurora, CO 80014 - Phone 303.355.4410 - Fax 303.355.6605 - Email