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Featuring: our brother, Bradley K. Gordon

“…For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations…” Psalm 100:5

Dedicated to: Our grandparents. Because they made the decision many years ago, to affirm the truth in their own lives, and because they passed it to their children, our own children and grandchildren now have the same legacy. God’s truth marches on!

Especially to our Grandma Ruth Paddock Manning, whom we never met because she died (from complications from a car accident) before we were born. We heard the stories of her uncomplaining faithfulness to God through her years of paralysis and pain… She went to be with the Lord in 1949, rejoicing and speaking with tongues as she worshipped God. We’ll get to meet her when we get to heaven. What a heritage to pass on to our own children!

About the song: During a sermon, a guest preacher mentioned in passing that God’s truth marches on and on and on. It never ends. Those words made an impact on Karla so she grabbed her notebook and wrote down those words. The repetition and cadence of that phrase struck her. Very shortly thereafter, she sat down at the piano and put this song together. God’s truth endures no matter what anyone does. Even the world will pass away. But His truth will never pass away – even until the end of the ages. Karla envisioned ministers of the gospel walking up and down throughout the sanctuary with their Bibles raised high, as a visual example of the power and timelessness of God’s truth.

Our brother, Brad’s lovely voice shines all throughout this song.

God's Truth Marches On Song Clip

God’s truth marches on and on and on
God’s truth marches on and on and on
Though kingdoms may shake they may fall
God’s glorious truth stands through it all
God’s powerful truth marches on

Verse 1
Down through the ages kingdoms have come and gone
God’s holy word tells us so
When time runs out and the earth is no more
God’s awesome truth will endure

Verse 2
Nothing can stop God’s precious truth
It just goes on and on
Though men have tried to silence God’s word
When they are gone truth abides

Glory glory hallelujah glory glory hallelujah
Glory glory hallelujah God’s truth it marches on

Tag: On on marches on

© 2000 Karla G. Trevino/Melody Line Music/BMI
All Rights Reserved
Bridge adapted from The Battle Hymn of the Republic ©1861 Julia Ward Howe/Public Domain

2310 S. Troy St - Aurora, CO 80014 - Phone 303.355.4410 - Fax 303.355.6605 - Email